Question: How can we calculate the height of the valley point between two fused peaks?
Another great question.
If we recall from Tip 74 the ratio of peak height to valley height is calculated as start p/v or end p/v. The height of the relatively big peak at 1.005 minutes ends at a valley point so Empower reports the end p/v. The peak at 1.192 minutes starts at a valley point so Empower reports the start p/v.
If we solve for valley height the calculation would be valley height = peak height/start p/v or peak height/end p/v.
This is a simple peak custom field. (You can make a similar one substituting end p/v.)
We see the result of the calculation in the peaks table in Review and the valley height is the same regardless of which calculation we use.
It’s that easy!
1. We will do a series of Empower Tips on Custom Fields later this year…Stay tuned!
2. This procedure can be followed using the QuickStart or Pro interface.
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