Wouldn’t it be nice if Empower could flag a failing result? Well, it can and it is very easy to set up.
Bring raw data (Channels, Injections or Sample Set) into Review and open the processing method. Click the Processing Method tool.
Click the Suitability tab and check the box that says Calculate Suitability Results. Enter the Void Volume Time, an estimate is fine.
Click the Limits tab. In the upper table (Suitability Components), highlight the row number for the component of interest.
In the middle table (Suitability Limits), click inside the Field Name field and choose the field of interest. This list contains all of the same peak fields you see in the Peaks table below the chromatogram in Review.
You can set a Target Value, however, that is not a requirement.
Enter a Lower Error Limit and an Upper Error Limit. Depending on the field of interest you may only need one limit. For example, I would only set a lower error limit for USP Plate Count. An upper error limit, in this case, wouldn’t apply because the higher the plate count, the better the system performance.
Save all changes to the Processing Method and exit from Review.
Back in project window, click the Sample Sets Tab, right-click on the Sample Set of interest, and select Process.
Select the Method Set or Processing Method, enter any required comments, and click OK.
Go to the Results tab and observe the Fault field.
Go to the Result Sets tab, right-click on the Result Set, and select Review.
As you drill down into the Result Set note any peak names in red, italicized font and then note any other fields in red, italicized font. This draws your attention to which components have issues and what those issues are.
Finally, if a limit for a peak field is exceeded, it will trigger Interactive System Suitability, which was covered in Tip 14 - Using Interactive System Suitability.
It’s that easy!
1. You must have the System Suitability option and enable it in the project.
2. You can set limits on a component-by-component basis.
2. This procedure can be followed for both the QuickStart and Pro Interfaces.
Neil provides internal support for Empower CDS software and is focused on developing laboratory software solutions that help organizations achieve their scientific and operational objectives.