TUV detector features

TUV detector features
Topic LCI-USG-0074, 最近更新 11/22/2024

The detector operates as an integral part of a Waters chromatography system.

The Alliance iS tunable ultraviolet (TUV) optical detector is a two-channel, ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis) absorbance detector. The detector is controlled by Empower and offers an analytical flow cell with a volume of 16.3 µL and a path length of 10 mm.

The flow cell design reflects Waters' TaperSlit technology.

The detector features:

  • Improved equilibration and warm-up time
  • Enhanced sensitivity using the patented TaperSlit flow cell, which channels light through the cell for better energy throughput
  • Lamp optimization for the best performance over the lifetime of a deuterium lamp
  • Low baseline noise performance (<5 μAU)
  • Enhanced as well as new functionality to mitigate the affects of changes in ambient temperature (see the following capabilities table)
  • Flexible sampling rates from 1 to 160 Hz for normal and fast LC separations
  • Independent optimization of sampling rates and filter time constants gives you the ability to tune your detector to your separation goals
Table 1. TUV detector capabilities
Capability Description
Two modes of operation

Single- or Dual-Wavelength

(See Single-Wavelength mode or Dual-Wavelength mode.)

Automatic, second-order filter Supports standard absorbance, UV/Vis functionality and spectrum scan feature
Full diagnostic capability Supports built-in diagnostic tools to optimize functionality and performance
Thermal wander management (enhanced) and active thermal control (new)

Reduce performance issues due to changes in ambient temperature

(See TUV detector thermal wander management and active thermal control.)

For optional cuvette cell:
Restriction: You must remove the detector's flow cell before inserting a cuvette cell.
Cuvette qualification Facilitates qualification of the detector by insertion of a standard in a cuvette. This feature is supported by Waters qualification kits available for purchase (optional cuvette sold separately).
Cuvette sample analysis Allows recording of the spectrum of any sample placed in the cuvette




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