Wavelength cutoffs for common solvents

Wavelength cutoffs for common solvents
Topic LCI-USG-0005, 最近更新 11/22/2024

Consult this table to obtain the wavelength cutoff values for common solvents.

  • λ (or UV) cutoff is the wavelength at which the absorbance of the solvent equals 1 AU.
  • Operating at a wavelength near or below the cutoff increases baseline noise because of solvent absorbance.
Table 1. Wavelength cutoffs for common solvents
Solvent λ cutoff (nm)
ACN 190
Acetone 330
Diethylamine 275
Ethanol 210
IPA 205
Isopropyl ether 220
MeOH 205
n-Propanol 210
THF 230




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