Verifying the PDA detector's calibration

Verifying the PDA detector's calibration
Topic LCI-USG-0209, 最近更新 11/22/2024

Verify the detector calibration after removing and replacing a flow cell or if verification fails on system startup.

To verify the PDA detector's calibration, prime the system and run flow for ten minutes to flush the flow cell with solvent, and ensure that it is fully wetted. A 90:10 water/acetonitrile mixture is recommended at 0.5 mL/min. Warm up the deuterium lamp for a minimum of five minutes, and ensure that it is in the "ON" state prior to verification.

If buffers were recently used in the flow cell, Waters recommends that you first flush with 10 mL of HPLC-grade water, followed by 10 mL of a low-surface-tension solvent such as methanol (provided it is miscible with the previous mobile phase).

To verify detector calibration:

  1. From the touchscreen, tap Maintain > Verify Calibration. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the verification process. When verification is complete, the screen displays Verify Calibration Passed.
  2. Tap RE-VERIFY to run the verification process again, or click DONE.




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